Oh yeah, you heard me correctly, I “let” it happen.
I have always had a temper, but I managed to hold it in for a long time. Not at home, mind you, I would go off at home. However, sitting in class I would not have let out the beast that simmered just below the surface of my public emotions. I do know that certain people became regular targets, and others would never be the subject of my violence. Really, if I could find Doug Moe, Jason Ernst, Shawn Moore, J.P. Guerra, Mike Christy or any of the other people that felt terrorized by my lack of anger management skills, I will do anything to show them how sorry I am for it.
You see, I hit people. I choked them. I genuinely wanted to hurt people. That is just not nice. These are not the acts of a confident person. That is not how my parents taught me to act. That is not how society bred me to comport myself.
Sadly, I will have to wait for the afterlife to apologize to Dan Moe…he has graduated already from this mortal sphere. I can, however, say that I am sorry for being an ignorant mess to my friends who knew me.
I’ll start here: Andrew, Anj, I am so sorry.