Tuesday, August 7, 2018


(For Esther May Salzmann September 1, 1926 – July 13, 2018)

A soul like hers will seldom recur
The loss in our hearts is our grandfather’s gain
Heaven is a brighter place with her

At chess, dominoes, cards, and jacks she was connoisseur
And she taught the moves that brought her wins
A soul like hers will seldom recur

Service was her frankincense and love her myrrh
Freely offering when The Spirit showed need
Heaven is a brighter place with her

Europe, Hawaii, rodeo, or cabin—she would seldom demur
Always for adventure with that twinkle in her eye
A soul like hers will seldom recur

To God’s tender hand she would defer
Tic-Tacs or gum to mend a crying child’s hurt
Heaven is a brighter place with her

An eternal love was hers to secure
The covenants she made she made by choice
A soul like hers will seldom recur
Heaven is a brighter place with her

July 25, 2018

Monday, July 16, 2018


 Friday the 13th gets a bad rap. Legend says that it was the day that the King Philip IV of France betrayed the Knights Templar. Then there is always Jason Voorhees—enough said. Really, before a book came out in 1907 (Friday the Thirteenth – Tom Lawson,) the date did not have really bad implications. Fridays were generally considered bad luck days. A person never started a long journey on a Friday. In middle ages Europe, Friday was called Hangman’s Day (apparently it was a day for swinging on the gallows.) The bad luck associated with the number 13 is only mentioned in the apocryphal tale that Judas Iscariot was the 13th person invited to Jesus’ last supper.
Until this past Friday, July 13, the whole bad luck day phenomenon had passed by me. It was just a day. On this day, however, this particular Friday the 13th, my grandmother slipped her mortal coil and graduated from her Earthly life. It was a sadness and a relief (cancer usually brings such mixed emotion.) It was not the worst thing that could happen to her or anyone. We are all going to die, and she fought for life until the last moment.
No, it was the total collapse of trust that I have in my family. That trust had been eroding for a decade, but that day saw the end of trust. It was as if the last chain that held my aunts, uncles, and cousins to my life had broken. They acted in a callous manner, denying that anyone had any right to claim that they shared a love with my grandmother. Cutting off my side of the family from being able to attend a viewing and open casket funeral. Her body will be cremated and shipped to Colorado for a memorial—and interred without any sort of ceremony.
Ok, I admit to not handling the situation well on my end. I very bluntly told my aunt (who conveyed their plans for a funeral service so rushed that I would never be able to make it to Phoenix in time) that this was all a bit hasty. I told her in a text that I totally got the hint (something I am not good at, btw.) I get that we are not to be a part of mourning/celebrating my grandmother’s life with her family. It was a private moment for them only. The link between us broke, and we no longer had a blood connection. We were done.
My uncle responded that he was fine with that, and I should never contact his wife again. To ensure that I complied with his order, I unfriended anyone from their side of the family on Facebook, and deleted all of their numbers from my phone. Maybe it was a tad bit reactionary, but I know where I am not wanted. Still, now I have to deal with grief, loss, sadness, and an anger for which this writing is my only outlet.

So for the first time, Friday the 13th wreaked its havoc in my life.
From what could have been a poignant and sad moment of relief and love, it become a life altering event filled with anger and resentment. An event where I find myself even more isolated than I ever was before that day. Well played, Friday the 13th…well played.

The Great Price is Right Fiasco of 1996

This is addressed to a very dear and close friend of mine in the Philippines. She had plans with her friends to see the country's most popular television program, Show Time. She found her plans sacked by others. I have empathy; I have eaten that same rotten apple-- its purifying flavor still lingers today
in my mouth.

We (a familial "we") planned a road trip back in 1999 to drive to Los Angeles. We wanted to see the Price is Right and tour the Days of Our Lives studio. That was all we really wanted to do. Somehow, of course, ex-wife's mom and sisters (and one of the girl's had a boyfriend) all got invited on our trip. We ended up renting an RV and driving out to LA. Ok…no problem…we had our plans still in place.

I rented a car to drive around town in, so that we didn’t have to find parking for that big RV every time we wanted to go to dinner or something. Then one of the sisters wanted to rent a hotel (I guess she and her boyfriend didn’t want to have sex in the RV in front of everyone.) The thing is…they wanted to use the car to get to and from the hotel. I had a problem with that. I rented the car, and no one under the age of 25 was legal to drive it. I also did not pay extra for more than one allowed driver. So if anything happened to the car…I would have to pay for it out of my own pocket.
I argued against letting them use the car, but they all ganged up against me. Finally, because it was the beginning of a week-long vacation and I wanted peace, I relented. I made it clear that if anything happened I would not suffer alone financially. They would all bear the responsibility. Whatever.

That same sister sat on the beach and exposed her bone white skin in her bikini to the sun all day without using any sun block. She claimed that she "...knew her body." She got burned so painfully bad that they went to their hotel early without dinner. The next day was our planned trip to go tour the studios and see the Price is Right. They knew that we needed the car by 7 am. 7 am came…and no car.
8 am….no car.
9 am…still no car.
At 3 pm her boyfriend showed up with the car. He wanted to know what our plans were for the day because there was free Duran Duran concert in Beverly Hills that night.


The rest of the week was filled with everyone else’s plans: Disneyland and visiting friends outside of LA. We had planned this first day in LA to see the shows that we came specifically to see. The boyfriend thought that I was being a dick. I told him that I was considering leaving all of them stranded in LA-- ditching their plans so that I could do what I came out to do. It became only my plan because the ex told everyone that it wasn’t that important to her. Even though it was her idea to begin with.

I know that I have to find a way to forgive people that made me angry. It still pricks me to the bone to remember it. But the point is: I know how my friend in the Philippines felt about the Show Time disappointment.