Last week we had some difficult news come our way. Our doctor raised a concern over the asymmetric manner in which my son's head is growing. He used a big word: craniosynostosis. I looked it up on WebMD (, and did not like what it had to say. What I really disliked was at how this big medical word attached itself to my son. This condition comes about when a baby's skull comes together too early. When the sutures seal too early it causes the baby's head to grow in a mis-shaped manner. The brain can find growing room in such a skull a premium. To be short, the condition results in a life of pain, developmental delay, and seizures.
We set up an appointment with a pediatric neurologist for next Friday. I hope that we will find some answers to questions that I did not have before this week. Ok- to be honest I hope that my doctor's concern, though well-founded, is wrong.
I just want to invite my friends and family out there to say some prayers for us as we prepare for Friday. We can use all of the faith, prayers, fasting, love, and support that our loving family and friends have to offer.